"Math is the only place where truth and beauty mean the same thing."
Danica McKellar.
Math by topics

Point, Line, Ray, Segment - Точка, пряма, промiнь, вiтрiзок

Точка, прямая, луч, отрезок.

Point and Line

Points and straight lines are not defined in today’s mathematics. The relations between them are determined only by axioms.
The line is graphically imaginable as a trace of a point moving in a plane along the shortest route between two different points without changing its direction.
A point is the intersection of two lines.

Українською На русском

Closed Half-Line or Ray, and Segment

A ray is the set of points of a line which are exactly on one side of a given point O, including this point O.
A ray is imaginable as the trace of a point which starts at O and moves along the line without changing its direction, like a beam of light after its emission until it is not led out of its way.

A segment AB is the set of points of a line lying between two given points A and B of this line, including the points A and B.
The segment is the shortest connection between the two points A and B in a plane. The direction class of a segment is denoted by an arrowhead −→ AB, or its direction starts at the first mentioned point A, and ends at the second B.

Українською На русском

Озвучені книги - Математика для дітей

Понад 3 мільйони дітей свої перші кроки в математиці зробили з цими книгами. Кожна книга з цієї серії присвячена одному основному математичному поняттю. Розважальні художні історії та картинки захоплюють уяву дітей. Вони дізнаються про числа, форми, розміри та багато іншого.
Математичні поняття у цих книгах:
Порядкові номери - Ordinal Numbers
Порівняння розмірів - Comparing Sizes: Big, Bigger, Biggest; Small, Smaller, Smallest)
Візерунки - Patterns

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