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English for children at home

English study program for children under 4 years old:
Sounded books, active games, video, audio.

To whom is the program for

The program designed for children from 2 months to 3.5-4 years old for learning English at home. I.e. it is designed for 3-4 years of study.
Parents do not need to know English. You have to follow the recommendations and make time for child 15-30 minutes per day to play with him. The program includes all what child needs to learn English at this age.
You can use the program for older children who have just started to learn English.

Purpose of the program.

1) Create a bilingual environment for the child in the family for natural language learning, so that he will learn English as a native speaker.
This is the only effective method of learning language for young children, which is based on LISTENING, REMEMBERING, REPEATING.

2) By 3.5-4 years, the child's understanding of natural English speech by ear.
The second point is extremely important for the successful learning of the language by the child. He may not speak (and most likely will not speak) like an English child. But to understand what they say should be like a real Englishman or an American. Why this is important you can read in the article "What do children like to do? What children don’t like to do?".

3) To ensure that the child will begin to speak a little English (at least in short sentences).

4) Partially remove the load from the child when he goes to school.

5) To lay the foundation for achieving the ultimate goal is to give the child a serious additional advantage in the labor market when he grows up.

The course consists of four sections:
active games, voiced books, audio, video.

Play with children


Games with a child - this is the most effective way to not only teach him to understand English, but also to speak. 15 + 15 minutes every day will ensure the child's knowledge of all the main verbs and simple phrases with these verbs. Knowing the nouns needed for a child is the name of the subjects with which it faces. Knowledge of the basic adjectives - colors, basic characteristics of objects (large, small, hard, soft, etc.).
The main problem of learning English by young children at home with the help of games is that parents do not speak English at a sufficient level, or do not know it at all. Solve this problem - the main task of the program "Baby English TV". And this task was originally solved.
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Selection of Books for children under 4 years.
The books were vividly illustrated. The child will be pleased to treat them on a computer, tablet and even a phone.

Pictures Books for children with sound in English
All books voiced by English native speakers. Some of them got voices of English-speaking children.

All books have been translated into video files and included in our compilations. Children will be interested to see the book on TV, and then look through the pictures and listen to the text (or vice versa).

No need to connect to the Internet. The library can be downloaded and it will be available for viewing and listening offline. It's quick and easy - one click only.
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Carefully selected (taking into account age) collections of various videos for children from 8 months to 4 years. The duration of each collection is from 35 to 45 minutes. Children become bored with monotony quickly. Therefore, each compilation consists of a variety of materials, in order to keep the child's interest in viewing.

Baby English TV Video There are collected popular children's songs, songs with a pronounced training orientation, flash cards with words and expressions, playing videos with children, cartoons in the video compilations.
All videos are recommended by English teachers, who specialize in teaching to young children, for whom English is not native. Collections checked and approved by a child psychologist.
All videos are in high quality both for viewing on the TV and on the computer. Format MP4 / 1280x720.
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Periodic listening to audio is extremely important.

1) Listening to audio will help the child to perceive English speech by ear.
2) Audio is an excellent means (possibly the best) for training a child’s brain and developing imagination, until he has learned to read well on his own.
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The program is accompanied by brief:
1) General guidelines.
2) Methodical instructions for parents who do not speak English at all.
3) Methodical instructions for parents who speak English at a low level.
4) Methodical instructions for parents and children over 4 years old who have just started to learn English.
5) Recommendations and instructions for using the library.
6) Recommendations and instructions for games (for each game).
7) Check Lists for 3.5 years (Important)
8) Answers on questions. Description of the various problems (situations) that may arise in the process of learning English by your child, and the ways to solve them.
Must read

Play with children


If your child is not yet 9 months old, you can purchase separately a part of the program called "BabyEnglish.TV Introduction". It is mainly based on audio.
We do not recommend a TV at all for children before one year old.
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If your child is already more than three and a half - four years old, you better subscribe to the site "Baby English Best". He will be more interested.
Our application will completely protect your child from inappropriate content. Moreover, your computer will also be fully protected from any erroneous actions of the child - it will not be able to erase, start anything (which is not intended for him), and “pick up” the virus (see page Child Safety on the Internet).

We recommend visiting the site "Baby English Club"
The site has a lot of educational material in English, articles, answers to parents' questions and much more. If you subscribe, get access to materials for the child and access to our website with books and films ( BabyEnglish.gift ). This subscription is free.

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