Play and Learn. Education of children from 1 to 9 years

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Games and control tasks for children from 2 to 9 years
Examples of games and tasks for different age levels.

1. We do not sort the tasks by subjects for children of preschool age. Diversity is very important for young children.
2. Important!
Starting from the second grade, there will be tasks in which the child needs to type the word or the whole sentence correctly. In the modern (computerized) world, typing quickly using all 10 fingers is just as important as writing.
Our advice and insistent recommendation:
After the end of the first class, during the summer holidays, begin to teach the child how to type correctly. You will give your child an extremely useful skill for further successful learning and successful work when he becomes an adult.
There are a lot of various programs in the internet for that. You can find one on the page of our student Emily.Best.

Pre-Kindergarten Level.

00.001. Learn Count up to 3
00.001. Learn Count up to 3
00.005. Count the dots 1-3
00.005. Count the dots 1-3
00.010. Count the apples
00.010. Count the apples
00.015. Count collored dots
00.015. Count collored dots
00.020. How many
00.020. How many
00.030. Short - Long
00.030. Short - Long

00.035. Count fruits - up to 3
00.035. Count fruits - up to 3
00.040. Count shapes - up to 3
00.040. Count shapes - up to 3
00.045. Higher - Lower
00.045. Higher - Lower
00.050. High - Low
00.050. High - Low
00.055. Wide and narrow
00.055. Wide and narrow
00.060 How many animals...
00.060 How many animals...

Kindergarten Level.

02.015. Counting up to 10
02.015. Counting up to 10
02.025. More. Less. Equally.
02.025. More. Less. Equally.
02.040. How many animals...
02.040. How many animals...
02.045. Above - Under
02.045. Above - Under
02.050. How many animals...
02.050. How many animals...
02.055. More
02.055. More

03.065. Professions
03.065. Professions
03.070. Animals
03.070. Animals
02.060. Listen and choose
02.060. Listen and choose
03.020. Who is superfluous?
03.020. Who is superfluous?
02.065. Inside - Outside
02.065. Inside - Outside
02.052. Top and down
02.052. Top and down

First Grade.

11.003. Insert the missing numbers
11.003. Insert the missing numbers
11.035. Are there enough
11.035. Are there enough
11.055. More
11.055. More
11.010. Time
11.010. Time
11.050 Addition
11.050 Addition
11.060. Time
11.060. Time

12.010. Present simple tense
12.010. Present simple tense
12.012. Present continuous
12.012. Present continuous
12.020. Present simple tense
12.020. Present simple tense
12.025. Days of the week
12.025. Days of the week
12.030. Past simple
12.030. Past simple
13.015. Fruits and Vegetables
13.015. Fruits and Vegetables

Second Grade.

21.003. Insert the missing numbers
21.010. Time
21.015. Tens
21.020 .Geometric shapes
21.030. Time
21.035. Story

21.040. Identify a digit up to the hundreds place
21.050. Round to the nearest ten
22.010. Choose the short i or long i word that matches the picture
22.015. Choose the word that matches the picture
23.010. Classify matter as solid or liquid
23.015. Goods and services

Third Grade.

31.010. Identify a digit up to the hundreds place
31.015. Skip-counting
31.020. Multiplication and division facts up to 5 true or false
31.025. Addition and subtraction (tens)
31.030. Multiply by 5
31.035. Largestsmallest number possible

32.005. Choose the synonym
32.010. Use the correct article a or an
32.015. Compound subjects and objects with I and me
32.020. Use coordinating conjunctions
32.025. Classify matter as solid or liquid
32.030. To have use the correct form

English. Learn Words.

81.001. Choose the right word for the given definition
81.002. Choose the right definition for the given word.
81.003. Choose the correct answear.

English Grammar.

91.001. will / be going to. Grammar.
91.002. will / be going to. Task 1.
91.003. will / be going to. Task 2.
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