Sounded Books for children in English

Visit our Websites in RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN, and website BabyEnglish.Club

Books for children & Reading

Five sites for books and reading.

My first books.
Books for young readers (up to 4-4.5 years).
All books are beautifully illustrated and voiced. Most books are transferred to video books.
You can and should use these books as first books for learning to read.

Audio Books and performances.
Audio books and performances are made in the form of books and divided into pieces for 15-25 minutes. This is a good time to listen to bedtime. Use audio books and performances in the case when you cannot read the child before bedtime.

Book by book, chapter by chapter.
Books for children from 4-4.5 years and older.
All books are voiced and divided into chapters for convenience.

My first textbooks.
The books for development of the youngest children.
Textbooks for preparation for school and textbooks for students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grades.

My books.
A site for posting books that you find useful to your child and for books that your child likes.
You can add books from our site
Books are easily installed (one click) from the parent section. We have the special format BEB (Baby English Best). See page Parent section.
My first books
Audio books
Books chapter by chapter
School books

Baby English Best Book Reader

Baby English Best Book Reader 1 The player is turned off.
You can turn the pages in manual mode and read to the child. Or a child reads on his own.

Baby English Best Book Reader 2 Click ‘Play’. Letter ‘A’ – Automatic mode
Pages turn over automatically and the announcer reads a book. It’s great solution before bed.
The Pause button can temporarily interrupt the listening. By clicking on the 'Play' button, the playback will start from the place where you left off.

Baby English Best Book Reader 3 Click the ‘A’ button. The ‘М’ button - the player works in manual mode - the pages will have to be turned over manually.
This mode is extremely important and convenient when child learns English. Child can listen and read this page again and again.
Baby English Best Book Reader page 4 Click ‘Play’. The letter ‘М’ – Manual mode.
The announcer reads to the end of the page. The ‘Repeat’ button appears when the page ends.

Baby English Best Book Reader page 4 Now you have a choice:
Turn the page and start listening to the new sheet OR press the ‘Repeat’ button and listen to the current page again.

Baby English Best Book Reader page 4 Current page / number of pages.
Put in the number in the box and pressing 'Enter'. You will go to the specified page (real page maybe 1-2 pages more than the page number of the book).

Sample Book

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Baby English Best ® 2018
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